Proenza Schouler PS1: The necessary new Yorker’s Bag

If there’s one thing that has fuelled my obsession for purses, as well as fashion in general, considering that the beginning of time (i.e., for the last 3 years), it is the city of new York. That, as well as my community cafe, where people seem to always have some crazy costly outfit/purse combination going on.

But back to the topic of new York: a lot of people normally tend to marvel at Paris for being “the fashion capital” of the world, however it’s nyc that I regard as the house of high-fashion, as well as it’s the new York aspect, as well as not the Parisian scenes, of The Devil uses Prada that struck me the most. Promenading across a hectic street in all-white with a silver handbag? lubiłem to! Knee-high boots, a navy cape, as well as a distressed tan carryall? Quintessentially cool!

But, as much as I’d like to believe otherwise, life in the huge Apple most likely isn’t all walks in the (Central) park. Still, the struggles of living in NYC, mainly evident in prominent films like The Devil uses Prada, mistress America as well as Frances Ha, is something that I likewise look upon with significant awe. like Lily Rabe’s character, Sylvia states in The Undoing,

“You online in new York. It’s a criminal offense not to be desperately busy.”

That’s what the quintessential new Yorker is to me; a person always on the move, regularly overworked, however effortlessly elegant nevertheless (“constantly overworked,” check, “effortlessly stylish,” still to go). as well as after writing, reading, as well as ogling handbags all day, there’s one specific bag that I’ve come to believe is the extremely embodiment of the new Yorker. It is the Proenza Schouler PS1.

Why yes, that is my cloak rack in the middle of new York City

Proenza Schouler PS1
przez Fashionphile


Founded by Jack McCollough as well as Lazaro Hernandez in 2002, the history of the fashion home is by now typical fashion-speak, with an excellent track record of studying at Parsons as well as their collaborative senior thesis being bought completely by Barneys new York! named after their mothers’ maiden names as well as styles that defined the “downtown cool-girl” aesthetic, Proenza Schouler was young, carefree, liberating, as well as a lot of importantly, solely NYC-based.

The PS1, however, was an extraordinarily different phenomenon, to state the extremely least. created to be the anti-It-bag in the height of the It-bag era, as well as one the duo purportedly desires to never screen on the runway, the schoolboy-like satchel is indicated to be just that, a low-key bag lacking logos. particularly when garishly maximalist bags had ended up being the norm, of course, this anti-It bag was swiftly snapped up by the fashion set. everybody who was somebody, from Jessica Alba to Reese Witherspoon to Khloe Kardashian, had to have one, as well as have one they did. at first created as a women’s piece, it was no less prominent among the male crowd either, with David Thielebule, Harpers Bazaar’s accessories Editor, as well as Kyle Anderson, Marie Claire’s accessories Director, all having been identified toting the luscious carryall.

But while its period of height popularity was probably the late 2000s as well as early 2010s, today it has gained cult status, with tPFers on a regular basis going over it as well as its a lot of ardent devotees inspecting the resale market for collectible, highly-coveted editions. Plus, even though it’s no longer the most popular bag of the moment, PS continues its production, as well as you can still get one for yourself. Czemu? since its style hasn’t ended up being dated at all, it stays traditional in an understated, cool, however nevertheless trendy manner, much like the quintessential new Yorker.

And assumption what? I’ve got my hands on one! Yes, I can’t believe it myself either!
As soon as I’d discovered about the existence of the PS1, I understood that it’d permanently be on my wishlist, joining the ranks of the Sac de Jour as well as Balenciaga work as one more “stuff I’d get myself when I’m super-rich.” however having just recently had the chance to purchase one pre-owned, I realized exactly how low its resale values might get (buying it as an investment was never a thing for me, I understood I was just going to keep it forever). But, the “right” bag never seemed to get listed. It was nearly always the medium, which is, of course, method as well little for my oversized-loving soul. There was even a stunning white fringe medium going for under $100 that I had to restrain myself from getting since it was white on top of being the wrong size!

But then, having pined for it for over 3 months, one fine day, it was there! A saddle in large, going for virtually free. I’d checked out Megs’ story of scoring a Crocodile PS1 for just over $4,000 on the Outnet, as well as I’d naturally presumed that kind of miracles never occurred within my meager budget. however thiCzuł się, jak coś zinterpretowanego przez dokładnie tego samego boga torebek, a także rzeczywiście do niego stwierdziłem, zanim mógłbym przetworzyć to wystarczające, aby go uwierzytelnić (nie próbuj tego w domu, ludzie).

Po zakupie (było to autentyczne! *Łzy radości *), przyszedł czekać, aż dotrze do Bangladeszu. Pamiętaj o nieuchwytnej Balenciaga z moich przygód w eBayu? Cóż, to nigdy tego nie zrobiło; Został przypuszczalnie skradziony lub zgubiony w tranzycie (chociaż mój normalnie nieobliczalny agent był wystarczający, aby uzyskać zwrot pieniędzy). Stąd obawa PS1, która spełniła dokładnie ten sam los, zapewniła mi koszmary przez tygodnie! Aż do dwóch miesięcy później przyszedł!

Proenza Schouler PS1
przez Fashionphile

368 USD

A w co mi to wierzę? Szczerze mówiąc, to jak trochę Nowego Jorku w moich ramionach (tak, odmawiam odpuszczenia). Chociaż nie jestem rozsądny, aby ocenić go bez włamania się do prawdziwej rapsody dużo bardziej satysfakcjonujące. Chociaż w dużej mierze jest nadal nieco mniejszy niż normalnie chciałbym (nie będzie kształtować mojego całkowicie starożytnego laptopa 16 ”), o mój Boże, jest taki przestronny! Byłem entuzjastą Tan, biorąc pod uwagę, że moje dni SDJ, a także ten PS1, mógł nie być bogatszy, o wiele więcej karmelowego odcienia opalenizny!

Moim zdaniem Proenza Schouler PS1 jest najdważniejszym przedstawicielem Ducha Nowego Jorku pod względem chłodu, funkcjonalności, a także wysokiej jakości (za luksusowy jagniak jest za umarwanie!), A także NYC jest zakorzeniony w swoim wyjątkowo pochodzenia! Ponadto prawda, że ​​jej okres masy jest gotowy, jest naprawdę doskonałą rzeczą. Incognito jest wystarczające do wtopienia, w każdej możliwej atmosferze (zgadnij, co będzie moim eleganckim przeniesieniem na studia, gdy ostatecznie zostaną wznowione zajęcia fizyczne?). Mimo to ludzie, którzy rozumieją, wiedzieliby. To jak trochę sztuczki między miłośnikami mody, podobnie jak ja, nie mogę się doczekać, aby odkryć, kto spośród tłumów jest wystarczający, aby to ustalić!

Dlatego mogę być niezliczoną ilość kilometrów, a także ubrany w najbardziej niechlujne spodnie dresowe, jakie mam, jednak teraz mam PS1, aby skierować NYC je ne sais quoi w moje stroje!

Wystarczy o mnie, czy pamiętasz swoją wyjątkowo pierwszą torbę projektantów? Czy chciałeś tego od miesięcy (może lat), a także ostatecznie zaoszczędzone, aby go kupić? A może był to impuls, który z miłością trzymasz? Nie mogę się doczekać, aby usłyszeć twoje historie, a także śnij trochę więcej!